svg2swf is an SVG to Flash SWF converter. It is written in C and uses libsvg (based on the original libsvg) to parse the SVG document and libming to generate the SWF file. It is available for both GNU/Linux and Windows operating systems.

svg2js is another project that uses libsvg and it is an SVG to HTML 5 <canvas> javascript converter.

svg2swf supports the subset of the SVG specification that is exposed by libsvg's API, svg.h. It includes partial support for styling, transformations, paths, shapes, text, painting, gradients, patterns, alpha compositing, clipping and masking. It doesn't (yet) include support for filters, fonts, interactivity, scripting and animation. The examples page contains examples from the SVG 1.1 test suite and this provides an indication of the current implementation status.

svg2swf is provided through Sourceforge. The software can be accessed via CVS and can also be browsed online. The build page explains how to build the software on Linux and Windows. The latest source code and Windows binary releases can be downloaded from here - the latest release is 0.5.

svg2swf is free software and is available for distribution under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 software license.

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